Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Another Victory for King Pyrrhus

Though the broadcast media will not tell you, here is an example of "election driven" defeat, termed unannounced victory. Thanks to Knight-Ridder via Needlenose.

After more than a year of fighting, U.S. troops have stopped patrolling large swaths of Iraq's restive Anbar province, according to the top American military intelligence officer in the area.

Most U.S. Army officers interviewed this week said the patrols in and around the province's capital, Ramadi - home to many Iraqi military and intelligence officers under Saddam Hussein - have stopped largely because the soldiers and commanders there were tired of being shot at by insurgents who've refused to back down under heavy American military pressure...

...After losing dozens of men to a "voiceless, faceless mass of people" with no clear leadership or political aim other than killing American soldiers, the U.S. military has had to re-evaluate the situation, said Army Maj. Thomas Neemeyer, the head American intelligence officer for the 1st Brigade of the 1st Infantry Division, the main military force in the Ramadi area and from there to Fallujah.

"They cannot militarily overwhelm us, but we cannot deliver a knockout blow, either," he said. "It creates a form of stalemate."

In the wreckage of the security situation, Neemeyer said, U.S. officials have all but given up on plans to install a democratic government in the city, and are hoping instead that Islamic extremists and other insurgent groups don't overrun the province in the same way that they've seized the region's most infamous town, Fallujah.


Fantastic...more of that good plannin' Mr. I'm a War Peace Preznit.

And in case you didn't hear it from the SCLM, 4 More American Soldiers died, bringing the total to about 900. Though it is not being reported much, more the 40 soldiers were killed so far in July. Still more than two a day.

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