Tuesday, August 31, 2004

BoBo...Quality Writing

The devolution of David Brooks into Peggy Noonan continues.

John McCain, Rudy Giuliani and Arnold Schwarzenegger are the big stars of the first two days of the Republican convention, but they didn't get their prime-time slots because they're moderates. If the Republican Party had wanted to play up the moderate angle, they'd have put together the same sort of multihued and gender-balanced schmaltzfest they did in 2000. McCain, Giuliani and Schwarzenegger are speaking because they are brave.

Oh criminy.

McCain I'll give you. Giuliani at least acted quickly on 9/11 rather than continue to read about a girl and her ungulate. Schwarzenegger? Um, David, I hate to break it to you but that is only in the movies.

Bobo doesn't even have the courage to not write about White House Talking Points.

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