Sunday, January 20, 2008

Loss to the Music World

The musician, folk singer, and songwriter, John Stewart passed away.

Stewart is known for more than music, he campaigned with Bobby Kennedy on his ill-fated 1968 Presidential bid, and his song "The Last Campaign" is a touching memorial for Kennedy.

He also wrote the Monkees' 'Daydream Believer.'  'I'm a Believer' was written by Neil Diamond.  Stewart was a bit darker in his music than is assumed.  The lyric for 'Daydream Believer' was intended to be "you once looked at me as a white knight on a steed, now you know how funky I can be".  Which was SUPPOSED to mean "now you've seen me at my worst".  Someone in the Monkees organization changed the lyric to the lightweight "know you know how happy I can be", which completely lost the meaning in favor of squeaky clean imagery. Sigh...

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