Friday, May 14, 2010


I predict within the next six months a law will be proposed in Tennessee wherein:

1. Drinking and driving is a gross misdemeanor or possibly a felony.

2. But, drinking and driving while armed is totally awesome via the Second Amendment.

3. Glenn Reynolds will still say it's always the not attractive enough woman's fault anyway.

And so the rapture begins:

The Louisiana House passed a bill yesterday that will enable places of worship to allow congregants with permits to carry concealed guns


sukabi said...

well, it's not like the leadership at the national level is any better or smarter ... Ms. Landrieu and Mr. Vitter are their Senators... and of the two of them only one believes in "containment"... and that's only for the toxic waste in his diaper...

sometimes I wonder if this "guns everywhere" movement isn't some sick game to see how fast the rubes can kill themselves off.

donnah said...

Guns in church?! Well, if some cuckoobird decides to Rapture Up, he or she can take a lot of other folks along with them!

pansypoo said...

the minister better have a fucking good sermon.

Montag said...

What is next? The Church of the .44 Magnum Cop_Killer Load?

Target practice at church picnics?

Duels over the Doxology?

Church wars? (A quick refrain from "Everything Old Is New Again," please.)

Susannah Anderson said...

Well, if I hadn't already stopped going to church 10 years ago (being an atheist and all), this would have driven me out.

The preacher just said something heretical? "Bam!" Problem solved.

Don't like the way that woman is dressed; she looks like a lesbian? That man looks gay? Bang!" Better than "stone them with stones", isn't it? Quicker, anyhow.

"Blessed are the peacemakers"? Sure, Jesus meant, "Just pull out a gun and everything will calm down." Or not.

Raoul Paste said...

Because a church service is rife with robbery and personal danger. Finally, some protection!

As usual, the person whom you would least want to have a gun in church will be the one who brings one.

Greendayman said...

Here's the issue with the "Rapture" - if you don't have at least a 6 figure bank account when the glorious time arrives - you WILL be asked for ID.

Major Woody said...

When people who believe the End Times are near and the Rapture is at hand start spouting off (I live in North Carolina, so this happens occasionally) I like to suggest that it's already passed and Jesus could only find a few people who deserved to be transmogrified or whatever it's called. Fundies don't like that idea.