Wednesday, May 26, 2010

That's rich

Although who could blame Obama for following the prescription:

"He needs to take a Valium before he comes in and talks to Republicans," Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., told reporters. "He's pretty thin-skinned."

This from the man who sat on known Bush Administration lies about the alleged basis for invading Iraq for more than four years.

And it's Obama that's thin-skinned.

Meanwhile, in the next victory for bipartisanship (let's see that's no public option, not enough stimulus, more off-shore drilling, more time in Iraq, more time in Afghanistan, and coming soon reforming social security...) comes this.

The compromise on repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell (or as the blogaratti call it DADT) has resulted in a LOSS of votes.

80% of the country wants DADT repealed, you should NOT have to compromise.

Jesus, it's your heart that supposed to have the creamy center, NOT your spine.


DrDick said...

I have come to the conclusion that Obama is constitutionally incapable of not compromising. He simply cannot help himself. If there is no one else to compromise with, he will compromise with himself.

Montag said...

If there is no one else to compromise with, he will compromise with himself.

He's even a master of the preemptive compromise with himself.

Anonymous said...

Pat Roberts can go f*ck himself.


DanF said...

Better a thin skin than a thick head, but I think the last thing Obama can be accused of is being thin skinned. When elected GOP leadership dare not push back on the craziest elements of their party - indeed even drive that narrative - it's called indignation and it's completely justified. There are no adults in charge of the GOP, just bat-shit crazy muther fuckers vying to be the champion shit thrower.

I just wish Obama would wait until we got some principled opposition before he starts to compromise.

Raoul Paste said...

I hope this was a real learning- and spine-stiffening experience for Obama.
He's got the bully pulpit- time to use it to the max.

pansypoo said...

imagine the hysteria of the teahadists + beckkkies if obama does more appearance shit.

more likely obama twisted the republikkklans in knots.

Anonymous said...

Pat Roberts is a farce full of futile farts...but the quintessential villager. vox

Major Woody said...

Never mind a Valium, if I had to deal with Republican legislators, spineless Democrats and the moronic press every day, I'd probably be hitting an opium pipe and slurping laudanum like it was Diet Pepsi.