Friday, December 10, 2010

And this corruption goes little mentioned by the media

Oh, if only they could allege this is a nefarious Kenyan plot by the "usurper":

Halliburton May Pay $500 Million To Nigerian Government To Settle Case And Keep Cheney Out Of Jail


TheOaf said...

Dr. Mr. Cheney,

I am a Nigerian Minister who is in a position to return $100 Million in "enablement funds" from past transactions with a major us oil concern. I am unable, at this point, however, to find a US bank willing to help me spirit these funds from the company. If you will provide me with your bank account and routing numbers, I will be willing to share...

pansypoo said...

may? the haven't gotten a bribe from cheeney?

Montag said...

Isn't it just a bit odd that, if there's evidence of Cheney's complicity in the bribery of foreign officials, that our own DOJ hasn't begun an investigation of Cheney (and others) for violations of U.S. law under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?

After all, another $500 million bribe might satisfy the Nigerians, but, y'know, we have laws against this sort of thing, too.

StonyPillow said...

Why is Rush sucking Cheney's face?

Olives and Arrows said...

Well, sorry, lib losers, but Cheney is still a great American hero, and I'd regard it as my patriotic duty to suck his dick at any time.

sukabi said...

Montag, there's probably a WikiLeaks cable about that as well...

And yes, Halliburton under Cheney was trading with Iran in direct violation of a US trade ban... he should never have been allowed to be VP, should have been in prison...

StonyPillow said...

Cue up some Lee Greenwood for the real OnA.

BTW, little known medical fact so you're not surprised -- after the last operation, it doesn't throb, it just buzzes.

Anonymous said...

Could the lawsuit just proceed quickly and sensationally as possible? We need this scandal in our media instead of worrying about gridlock and rape trials.
Vox clamantis in red state

pansypoo said...

can cheeney's non beating heat take a BJ?