Monday, December 20, 2010

Oh, it will fit our mood then...

Tonight is the Winter Solstice, what is even cooler is that there will also be a lunar eclipse in the wee hours, about 1:30 a.m. eastern time. This has not happened before since the 17th century, or since well before the United States was founded. I'm sure somehow this is Obama's fault.

Although why Gawker is proclaiming it the darkest night in more than 300 years is beyond me. An eclipsed full-moon is still a hell of a lot brighter than a new moon.


StonyPillow said...

Thick cloud cover with light snow forecast for Chicago. Light snow and patchy freezing drizzle after midnight for Des Moines. Guess the sky god doesn't like us. Either that, or he's on his way to feel up some bimbo in that Kinnect game.

Raoul Paste said...

This is the winter of our discontent.

Montag said...

To be fair to Gawker, they did say "day," in a 24-hour sense, I think, suggesting that they're referring to the total amount of light of any kind in that period--the shortest amount of daylight plus the least amount of moonlight for that day.

That said, we'd probably have to find out the moon's phase for every winter solstice going back over 350 years to fact-check them, and doing that seems like a monumental waste of time....

DanF said...

Since the full moon is only in complete eclipse for 72 minutes out of a three and half hour show, there is no way this is the darkest day ever - no matter how Gawker wants to slice it.

Where is the lame-stream librul media to correct Gawker's egregious lapse in ethical journalism?!? I'm in full-moon outrage!!! Hoooowwwwwwwwwwwll!!!!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I'm afraid there's no silver bullet to magically fix the problem, DanF...

pansypoo said...

yep. cloudy.

Mr. Hedley Bowes said...

Gossamer clouds here...we might get lucky.

pansypoo said...

web cams.