Saturday, April 30, 2011

Darwin Awards do produce great video


sukabi said...

this is where I blame TV... while it's great entertainment, and sometimes informative to watch shows like Storm Chasers, they desensitize people to the actual risks involved in these kinds of activities... and with the advent of all the "reality shows" everybody thinks they can be the next "star"....

hope the person's got a clean pair of drawers at home, because with all those "oh my god" s and the fear in the voice it sounds like they need them.

at what point, when you're that scared, do you turn the damned car around and start RUNNING AWAY from the twister? I can tell you, I'd do it a whole lot sooner....

StonyPillow said...

The administration approved Governor Bentley's (R-Hypocrisy) request for a federal disaster declaration even before the governor's office completed it.

Of course, those sweet, sweet soshulist federal funds are the most important thing in the world when they need them. Just ask Governor Goodhair of Texas. Asphole says O is taking vengeance on Texass for its opposition to his healthcare law.

What a bunch of sanctimonious, lying proicks. God knows they need help. We'll help. We're the good guys who know government isn't the problem. And even if they spend most of their time acting like enraged junior high school bullies, they are depending on us. But they make it so damn hard to give.

pansypoo said...

did anybody die in that crappy twister movie?

are republikkklans still gonna cut FEMA, OSHA and the weather forcasting deprts?

mp said...

At around :36 I swear I saw a rowboat and a cow.

StonyPillow said...

And Christine O'Donnell on a bike.

Mr. Hedley Bowes said...

What sukabi said.

Driving into a monster tornado recalls a certain troll...

MD said...

"This is the wrath of God. Because of the State of Alabama's embrace of the great sin of HO-MO-sexuality." - Rev. Phelps