Saturday, September 17, 2011

Line O' the Week

From the Great Orange Satan:
"The candidates at the Republican debate looked like a town council that was outlawing dancing. They looked like a board of directors that was lying about poisoning a river. You could smell Rick Perry’s cologne through the TV." ---David Letterman


Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs! said...

Great, Dave!

But I'd go even further, and say that they looked the assembled faculty of Bible-Thumper College, of Cornhole, Arkansas.

jimmiraybob said...

I wonder if the olde tyme lynch mobs sounded more or less blood lusty than the Teavangelical audience?

pansypoo said...

my comment eatten?

nobody expects the teabag inquisition.

Anonymous said...

Batman54 said........

The stench of death.